Distribution of iodine tablets 2023/2024:
a precautionary protective measure
What you need to know about iodine tablets
Iodine tablets are an important part of emergency protection in the event of a nuclear power plant accident. They prevent the thyroid gland from uptake of radioactive iodine, which can cause cancer. But when and how should you take them? Here are some facts you should know.

- The Swiss government distributes iodine tablets free of charge to everyone living within 50 km of Swiss nuclear power plants. This is a precautionary measure to have enough tablets available in the event of an accident.
- The Swiss government distributes iodine tablets free of charge to everyone living within 50 km of Swiss nuclear power plants. This is a precautionary measure to have enough tablets available in the event of an accident.
- The iodine tablets have a limited shelf life and must be replaced regularly. From autumn 2023, affected households will receive new iodine tablets in an orange pack. The old tablets in the purple pack can be discarded.
- The iodine tablets must be taken as soon as possible after the accident to block the thyroid gland. The dosage depends on the age and is indicated on the package. The tablets can be swallowed with water or another drink or dissolved in water.
- The iodine tablets usually have no side effects, but may cause problems in people with thyroid disease or allergies. If you are unsure whether you can tolerate the tablets, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Iodine tablets are not a panacea against radioactive radiation. They only protect the thyroid gland and not other organs or tissues. Therefore, it is important to follow other protective measures, such as staying in a closed room, closing windows and doors, listening to or watching the radio or television for further instructions.
For more detailed information please visit www.jodtabletten.ch
If you have any questions, please contact directly the Swiss Office “Geschäftsstelle Jodtabletten Schweiz”
031 380 79 77